Creative Blog Hop

So Susan Horr nominated me for this blog hop. Unfortunately I didn’t find anyone to nominate, so it’s a bit of a dead end here. 

I chose to share this project because it’s a little out of my usual (other than the stamp set) and frankly, it’s what I had ready. This is a birthday card for one of my paramedic-y friends, and it’s a total CASE from Tanya.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on a pile of cards for a market next weekend. It’s my first one in a while and I had nothing prepared when I signed up to do it a little more than a week before. So I’m doing lots of simple and lots of CASEing right now!

How does your work differ from others in your genre?
I’m a little OCD so my work is usually very precise. Everything even, everything measured. My upline commented one day that she didn’t like layers all being the same width of mat, so now I can’t stand that either 😛 My club members can attest that it always bugs me a little when something isn’t “just so” and they like to drive me batty by making their projects a little of kilter once in a while (on purpose obviously).

Why do your create what you do?
It gets my hands working and my mind thinking about things other than work. 

 How does your creative process work?

I usually get an idea from Pinterest or somewhere. I don’t always necessarily CASE it outright, but I’ll often take inspiration on colour combinations, layouts, or even just a combination of elements, and work from there.

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