Christmas Card Buffet

There’s no denying it, summer is over and Christmas is coming fast. One of my favorite activities to do leading up to the holidays is getting together with a group of friends and making cards. Last year’s card buffets were a blast, we got so much done and had some good laughs along the way.

I have a pile of different card designs, and everyone gets to choose which ones to make.

Every card is prepped and ready to assemble, with just some stamping, glitter and all your handmade holiday cards are ready to mail!
The buffet costs $20 to attend, which includes up to 8 cards, each additional card is $2.50 and all you have to bring is your favorite adhesive. If you’d like to host a buffet, at your home or mine, and at least 4 people attend, you will also get the super awesome Stamp-a-Tag kit as my gift to you! Click on the image below to see more information about it.

If you’re interested in attending or hosting a buffet (and getting your free kit), or have any questions, shoot me an email!